
The Ghlobal Diaspora Council (GHLOBAL) is a group of highly patriotic Ghanaians living in the Diaspora with an unflinching dedication to the pursuit of everything good about and for Ghana. A non-partisan, non-governmental organization, we have a strong sense of connection to Mother Ghana. Our membership consists of one main Representative and an Alternate Representative from any country in which a sizeable Ghanaian community exists. These representatives are selected after consultation with members of that community and a vetting process completed. While these representatives may not necessarily be heads of organized community groups, their mission is to serve as conduits between the Ghlobal Diaspora Council and those organized community groups to facilitate Ghlobal’s objective of attracting various leaders to the wider Ghlobal Diaspora General Assembly.


Over the past decades, the engagement of the Ghanaian Diaspora has been characterized by a lack of recognition of the major role it plays in Ghana’s economic development. A failure by policymakers to consult, include, and factor in the Ghanaian Diaspora as critical stakeholders has generated increasing discontent among Ghanaians abroad. As a result, the Ghlobal Diaspora Council envisions a Ghana where the roughly 10% of her population living abroad would be recognized as an integral part of the country’s developmental agenda.


To use our global network of communities to form a consultative block to constructively engage stakeholders in Ghana and abroad for the purpose of advancing Ghana’s development.


  • To consolidate knowledge action to address the fragmentation of diaspora engagement and negotiate with the government for adequate statutory representation in the Ghana government.
  • To recommend specific Diaspora-targeted policies and programs to the government and when approved, facilitate their seamless implementation.
  •  To form a coalition of nationally representative organizations/unions across the globe by streamlining communication and strengthening engagement to facilitate cooperation between the Diaspora and our Motherland.
  • To serve as a global support group working with the Ghana government’s missions in protecting the legitimate interests of Ghanaians living abroad.
  • To protect the collective bargaining rights of the Ghanaian Diaspora and advocate for our involvement in policy-making concerning issues faced by Ghanaians abroad.

We recognize the authority reposed in the leadership of the various Ghanaian community organizations across the globe and the exclusive jurisdictions they have over their respective communities. Their existing social community infrastructure will be invaluable to our mission to organize on a truly global scale a body that is universally representative, diverse, and with an unwavering dedication to the advancement of Ghana. We extend an arm to work with anyone who shares our vision and mission.